God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
This has been one of my favorite verses for the last two years. And after patiently trying and waiting for God to grant us with a child, we are THRILLED to announce on our blog that we are 12 weeks pregnant!!!! Most family and friends and everyone else that has been in hearing range know this already, but I figured it was time to make it blog official. The upstairs computer and I have not spent much time together for the last 2 months due to exhaustion and going to bed at about 5 o'clock everyday- no lie.
I must admit that in a world and time when you are so used to instant self gratification, the process of conceiving has been a very learning, draining, and maturing experience. I truly don't know if we were ready two years ago when I first asked God to grant us a child. But looking back I feel that He used those two years to strengthen our marriage and help us grow as a couple so that we would be ready when that time came. And His timing could not have been more perfect- in every aspect!!!! Baby Haynes will be here sometime around May 21st, and that means that Trent and I can pretty much have the whole summer off with the baby. I have this feeling that he or she will make their debut before the actual due date (My birth weight was a little over 8 lbs and Trent's was almost 11 lbs)- so I'm praying that we can make it as close to the due date as possible.
Today I am officially 12 weeks pregnant, which means I am entering into my 2nd Trimester. We have had great Dr.'s visits so far, and at the last appt Baby Haynes had a heartrate of 178. We did find out that I am Rh-, which means that I have to get a shot at 28 weeks but no big! Evidently my body is not exactly immune to Rubella either-even though I had all my shots when I was younger. So I will have to get a booster shot in the hospital right after the baby comes.
I'm stealing something from Kelly at Kelly's Korner. I am probably not going to be as devoted about doing this as she is, but I think it is a neat way to keep up with the progression of the pregnancy.
I'm 12 Weeks!!! First Trimester Down! YAY!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 12 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Haynes is the size of a Peach-which I was craving today!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 6lbs so far due to food aversions
Maternity Clothes: Not really wearing maternity clothes yet. However, sometimes it is uncomfortable to button the top button on my pants due to bloating so I bought a maternity tank top to smooth things out. I can tell maternity jeans are going to be GREAT!!!
Gender: We CANNOT wait to find out. Looks like December 10th is going to be THE day! Everyone thinks it's going to be a boy.
Movement: Can't feel any movement yet and will probably be a while
Sleep: Usually great until about 2 or 3 in the morning and then I alternate between going to the bathroom and switching back and forth from R to L side. Sometimes the only way I can get comfortable is on my back, which is unusual bc I'm kind of a side/stomach sleeper. The Boppy full body pillow is coming in handy.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach, sweet tea, and being able to make it through a meal
Cravings: Salads, soup, salty foods, and starbursts the past couple of days- trying to limit that intake
Symptoms: Tiredness, Extreme food aversions, bloating, headaches the past couple of days, metallic taste in mouth most days and then some I'm just not going to name
Best Moment This Week: Everyday is great because we are so THANKFUL to be pregnant!! I am also glad that we have made it to the 2nd trimester. YAY!! and Praise the LORD!