How Far Along: 24 weeks!
Size of Baby: About the size of a Rutabaga; as long as an ear of corn
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 5-7 lbs back of the original weight lost
Maternity Clothes: Most Definitely..the need is growing from one week to the next!
Gender: Every ultrasound confirms that Ava Leona will be joining our family! There has been no question!
Movement: Beginning to feel more noticeable thumps...Today in church it almost felt like she had the hiccups. I definitely feel her better in certain positions-like leaning back in bed or in a chair.
Sleep: Has actually gotten better the last few weeks. Maybe I'm getting used to being uncomfortable. I still have to get up about three times during the night.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach
Cravings: Still Icee's, fruit, appetite is def coming back.
Symptoms: Protruding stomach...nausea seems to be gone! Praise the Lord!
Best Moment This Week: Everytime I feel my daughter move inside me, it's all the more reassuring and I love it!
I think it already looks like she has a little round face! She has no hope between me and Trent!